We at Novarus aim to improve the lives of everyone we can. While it’s important to make these changes on an individual level, we know that lasting change requires larger-impact projects. Over the past six months, we have leveraged our innovation and business to develop various infrastructure projects. These bring access to life’s essentials to millions worldwide.
This is the reason Novarus exists.
Working alongside governments such as Mexico, Columbia, and Nigeria we have been able to begin the development of these projects and aim to have them completed in the next 3-5 years.

2.3 Billion people around the world live their lives without access to fresh water. In order to address this problem, desalination plants can be used to make ocean water drinkable by separating the water from the salt.
However, desalination plants are very energy-inefficient and costly to maintain. Every cubic meter of water costs about $1 to produce. Additionally, for every cubic meter of water produced, one cubic meter is wasted.
Novarus has created desalination plants that require no external energy and operate at extremely high efficiency, cleaning massive amounts of water for no environmental cost. Our solution can be scaled to fit any need, and is simple and affordable to install and maintain. We aim to clean approximately 40 million gallons of water per day with a system of 4-5 plants constructed on the ocean shore, each about 60 acres in size.

RENEWABLE ENERGY IS A VITAL ISSUE for developing communities. Reliance on fossil fuels, distant infrastructure, and centralized power grids limits individual communities’ ability to grow, and reduces their capability to handle their immediate problems themselves.
Novarus is working with several small communities to implement renewable energy to their villages individually, giving them full control over their power production. Giving the community their own power supply will enable them to stay online even if the power lines or the power station were to go down, improving their resilience in a crisis and giving them the ability to address their own energy needs and operate independently.

Every year, over 350 million tonnes of plastic is thrown into landfills, oceans, rivers, and wilderness. That’s equal to 1 garbage truck being dumped every minute. Unfortnately, most of that plastic can’t be recycled and stays in landfills for thousands of years, damaging ecosystems and the environment.
At Novarus, we have developed a way to repurpose this plastic waste by putting it into roads. By replacing a portion of the materials with plastic, we are able to make the roads more durable, reduce carbon emissions from road construction, and save money on maintenance costs.
Every square mile of road can remove about 1 metric tons of plastic from the environment, leading to huge longterm benefits. We plan to partner with non-profits and governments to make these roads a reality and develop global infrastructure while simultaneously helping the environment.
We at Novarus aim to improve the lives of everyone we can. While it’s important to make these changes on an individual level, we know that lasting change requires larger-impact projects. Over the past six months, we have leveraged our innovation and business to develop various infrastructure projects. These bring access to life’s essentials to millions worldwide.
This is the reason Novarus exists.
Working alongside governments such as Mexico, Columbia, and Nigeria we have been able to begin the development of these projects and aim to have them completed in the next 3-5 years.

2.3 Billion people around the world live their lives without access to fresh water. In order to address this problem, desalination plants can be used to make ocean water drinkable by separating the water from the salt.
However, desalination plants are very energy-inefficient and costly to maintain. Every cubic meter of water costs about $1 to produce. Additionally, for every cubic meter of water produced, one cubic meter is wasted.
Novarus has created desalination plants that require no external energy and operate at extremely high efficiency, cleaning massive amounts of water for no environmental cost. Our solution can be scaled to fit any need, and is simple and affordable to install and maintain. We aim to clean approximately 40 million gallons of water per day with a system of 4-5 plants constructed on the ocean shore, each about 60 acres in size.

RENEWABLE ENERGY IS A VITAL ISSUE for developing communities. Reliance on fossil fuels, distant infrastructure, and centralized power grids limits individual communities’ ability to grow, and reduces their capability to handle their immediate problems themselves.
Novarus is working with several small communities to implement renewable energy to their villages individually, giving them full control over their power production. Giving the community their own power supply will enable them to stay online even if the power lines or the power station were to go down, improving their resilience in a crisis and giving them the ability to address their own energy needs and operate independently.

Every year, over 350 million tonnes of plastic is thrown into landfills, oceans, rivers, and wilderness. That’s equal to 1 garbage truck being dumped every minute. Unfortnately, most of that plastic can’t be recycled and stays in landfills for thousands of years, damaging ecosystems and the environment.
At Novarus, we have developed a way to repurpose this plastic waste by putting it into roads. By replacing a portion of the materials with plastic, we are able to make the roads more durable, reduce carbon emissions from road construction, and save money on maintenance costs.
Every square mile of road can remove about 1 metric tons of plastic from the environment, leading to huge longterm benefits. We plan to partner with non-profits and governments to make these roads a reality and develop global infrastructure while simultaneously helping the environment.